The man's several bodies act together, in unison, forming totality - physical, vital, emotional, mental and causal one, which is the being's Conscience. In spite of each one to coming with a particular molecular constitution, some in a subtler state, though, the man brings a potential to embrace them.

We will see, in synthetic way, the functional inter relationship of all those bodies.

The physical body is extremely important from the esoteric point of view. A certain tendency exists to imagine that the cultivation of the spirit implicates in certain contempt for the physical. Indeed, however, as support for accomplishment of a cosmic function, its role is so important that Yogues dedicated to it a special branch of Yoga, that is Hatha Yoga and which treats of the physical health of how to live in the physical plan, of how to take the largest advantage of that instrument for the experiences of the terrestrial life.

In spite of all the extraordinary capacities of the human being utter through this wonderful computer, making the man to think that he is nothing else than only this group of organized cells in several systems and that make possible the physical-biological and psychic operation with such a precision and in a such surprising way, the man needs not to neglect their other components.

The integrity of the physical body, as well as the maintenance of its health, depends, for instance, of the energies that circulate in the vital body that involves the physical. The death occurs exactly when those energies stop circulating, being interrupted the link between the vital and the physical.

All the subtlest bodies possess certain centers of concentration of the cosmic energies, called chakras by the Oriental. Those chakras are, as we could say, organs of the subtle bodies and it is them that maintain the inter relationship with the energy fields of the several plans of the Universe, and they come to finish in the plexus of the Nervous system .

Nervous system - According to Lívio Vinardi: "The nervous system transports electric currents in form of waves or pulses in forms and frequencies very varied. It is a complicated complex of circuits bioelectric and cybernetics through which the voluntary orders of actions and movements are transmitted, external perceptions are received and the commands of certain automatic functions are produced as movement of the heart, lungs, peristaltic etc. The electric potential is of 0,1 volt, and a small pile has 1,5 volts. Basing on the common physical laws, the organism alive possesses an electromagnetic field that is constituted in the man\'s ethereal body, and the middle of manifestation of that field is the ether. Those energies are organized in vortexes that are constituted in the chakras.The brain is the physical seat of the psychic reactions; it is him that turns us conscious of the stimulus and answers, but the whole metabolism of our interior life is processed in the soul. The brain is just bridge. There exist Yogue experiences, called unfolding, when the soul separates from the physical body and the person continues with the emotional and mental metabolism working independently of the brain.

According to the Theosophy, the pain, for instance, is felt by the soul. It feels and it interprets. The anesthetic acts isolating the vital body through where circulate the energies that make the connection of the physical with the soul; for that reason, the stimulus doesn't pass for the soul. The hypnotism also isolates, it turns off the soul. As for the anesthetic it could be said that acted in the nerves; but how about the hypnosis? She acts in registrations that are besides the brain. The Theosophy answers to that question made by Aristotle: "How is it that the soul links to the body?"

It is in the mental and emotional bodies, in other words, in the soul, that the man's evolution is processed. If we observe, we will see that all our internal fight, all our problematic is placed in the emotional and in the mental, then, to direct the life, there is the need of learning how to work with those two bodies.

As it was mentioned in the previous chapter, in the current moment of the Universal evolution, the man counts, to react to the stimulus of the environment, with three internal factors, pointed for the psychology as volitional, sensitive and cognitive, in other words, will, mind and emotion.

We will try to penetrate a little in the united performance of those three elements, once that the evolution is processed through a dynamics, a true game among them. The synthesis of that game would be: to put in operation the reason; to distinguish the right from the wrong for that moment and for that situation; to act in agreement with the right using the will, even if there are requests of emotional nature.

To accelerate his evolution and to get to practice in an appropriate way this game, the man needs to understand his internal nature; to understand his nature, he needs to know the laws that govern the life, laws those that are the same ones that govern the Universe, the Macrocosms, once we are the Microcosms.

The own Bible confirms this truth when it says that the man is made to the image and similarity of the Creator. Of the theosophic point of view, that similarity is not in a conception anthropomorphic, that God has the man's physical form, but in the conception that the similarity between the man and God is in what says respect to principles, to potentialities.

The most fundamental condition for the self-understanding is to notice the actuation of the law of the Polarity in the constituent elements of the soul, subject that will be presented with larger details in the chapters VI and VII.

The Will is polar. It can be strong to the point of taking the man to act in agreement with the best option detected by the Reason, or it can be weak to the point of giving in to the demands of the emotion.

The Psychosynthesis, whose premises were established by Roberto Assagioli, lends to the will a prominent position inside of our personality. Psychosynthesis is inserted inside of the psychology that is called of "Third Force" - group of lines that don't accept in the complete the Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism and they accept the transcendent part, imponderable of the human being. She affirms that the psyche is polarized and it tends continually to look for the balance among the opposites. While the man is going adjusting those oppositions, he starts finding the focus of his internal nature, his ME Superior, whose preponderant factor is the Will. It happens that this is a dupe in the hands of the desire and of the impulses. For the individual to find that unitary focus of the intern nature it is necessary to train the psyche. That focus coincides with the being's full and absolute Will that is why the Psychosynthesis begins by the training of the Will. It places six phases for that training: deliberation, motivation, decision, affirmation, persistence, execution.

They are words of Assagioli: "I believe that the Will is the Cinderella of the modern psychology and, however, it was relegated to the kitchen." The Will that he defends is not the frontal Will, in the concept "Victoriano." It is a Will dependent of the motivation. I need to understand the reasons, the motives of that which I want to get, for that reason the need of the mental analysis, of the Reason, of the discernment. Without a conscious objective the Will will never be moved.

The polarity of the mind that will be analyzed in the chapter VI, is the one that puts us always front to a position of choice. In fact, one of the formal laws of the thought is the principle of the contradiction. One of the references of the mind is the opposite. We know what is day, because we know what night is. This subject is thoroughly developed in the chapter of the philosophy that treats of the dialectics.

The polarity of the emotion that will be analyzed in the chapter VII, is still more easily identifiable. It is enough to look inside of ourselves to verify that there are moments in which we are invaded by high feelings, of affection, altruism etc. and others in which there springs inside of us emotions linked to the selfishness, to the vanity, to the pride.

This polarity of the human soul has a reason to exist. For the man to accomplish the purpose of the existence, so that he could exercise the free will, it was necessary that his personality be structured in a rigid way.

Let us see the great game of the evolution. The man begins his evolutionary walk with an outline preponderantly emotional - he is impelled to act in search of a pleasure, of an immediate satisfaction. Whenever, in his road, there intervenes something unpleasant, that he registers as pain or suffering, the man wants to change the sensation. To modify it he puts into operation the mental, he tries to analyze the situation and he tries to change the sensations. He goes on discovering the laws that govern the life and he ends up by finding the road of the Universal Law. If there were just pleasant stimulus there would not be movement among the components of the soul, she would be static and there would not be evolution, once evolution demands dynamics.

It is this look for a condition more favorable, more comfortable, that takes the man to, unconsciously, develop his mental, phenomenon that comes processing through the times, to the point that the man have reached this fabulous mental development, patent in the science, technology etc.

Reinforcing the idea - the mechanism of the evolutionary process is: before critical situations, to have the capacity to judge fairly about the events and take the most appropriate resolution for that moment, without attending to the demands of the emotion.

The Law of the Free Will allows the right of choosing among countless options, but, after having done the choice, the man needs to accept the consequences, because there exists, as we saw, the Law of Cause and Effect, denominated Karma, that regulates the effect in relation to the causes. Through the law of Karma, the man goes on building his own destiny. The apostle S. Paulo perfectly places the limits of the free will when he says: "All of the things are me lawful to me (liberate will), but nor all suits me (determinism of the Law)".

What is verified, however, is that the man's evolution comes processing in an unilateral way. Great disparity exists between the mental development and the emotional development. Together with a mental extraordinarily developed, the man is still egocentric, is still moved to the action in search of personal interests.

The great discoveries of the science, for instance, are still, largely, used against the own man. It is enough to know, as it was in a recent news section, that the nations, together, apply two million dollars per minute in armaments, arming for a defense against reciprocal attacks, which shows us that the man didn't understand in any way the purpose of the life.

Somebody made this wise observation: "In a truly civilized people, the problem would not be the stratagem of creating new weapons to dominate the world, but in the one of creating fair men that didn't want and didn't need anymore to appeal to the use of weapons."

The civilizations of our days, with their fantastic feats of mental nature, think to be reaching high evolution degree but, evolution in the esoteric sense is to reach a internal modification, towards the neutrality, to the impartiality and to the justice, modification that goes on taking the man to act more and more in harmony with the Universal Laws.

The predominance of the emotional demands in the human behavior is what makes us to suffer. We don't know how to establish an adequate scale of values. We still put our expectations of happiness in transitory, perishable factors.

Psychologically, happiness is to reach a goal. You may observe that whenever we reach a goal, something that we ambitioned, we feel happy. It happens that our goals are relative goods and soon we notice that what we got is not exactly the happiness that we waited and we put a new goal.

When entering on the road of the self-realization, we start looking for goals more durable, more permanent and our state of happiness also goes progressively enlarging and being stabilized.

The life is a vast and complex, but extraordinarily fascinating game. To learn the game of the life is the maximum goal of the own life and, therefore, it conditions the encounter of that happiness that we have been looking for not only in this life, but through all the lives that we already had.

As best we get to establish a communication between the physical and the subtlest bodies, more we will take advantage of our potentialities. One of the objectives of the self-realization is, through Yoga and through a work of interior organization, to go getting a better exchange between the several bodies and the Superior Conscience. As consequence, the person will go walking towards perceptions of our transcendental part, besides the ones called extrasensories.

It is known that there exists a capacity not explained. The hypnosis, for instance, proves that. The hypnotized person can notice facts that are processed on the other side of the world, reads closed letters, guesses thoughts etc.

In 1.967, the scientist A. Longhi, researcher of the Superior Institute of Sciences of S. Paulo, sought the police of Belo Horizonte and he volunteered to help it in the explanation of an assault to the Bank "Moreira Sales". He used two girls that, hypnotized, indicated the whereabouts of the thieves.

The thought transmission is the resonance, of electronic nature, from a mind to another. The brain would work as an electronic computer in a certain vibration, and the message would be received by other brain of identical vibration. The French chemist Rene Warcollier got to transmit their thoughts, at the distance, with incredible speed, fact that was commented by the press of the time.

The telepathy has been proved statistically. In France and in the United States, Rhine, of Duke University, got to classify twenty-eight thousand cases of premonition.

The effectiveness of the radiesthesia, of the operation of the pendulum, is another surprising reality. I witnessed the following fact. The angora kitten of a known couple was stolen and we didn't have idea of where it was. In a city of thirty thousand inhabitants, besides cut for a river that divides it to the middle, the technician in radiesthesia researched the map of the city and located the house where was the kitten, located to 8 km of distance. It was only the work of going and fetching it.

Another truthful fact, still more surprising, was to find a dog in the city of São Paulo in Brazil. The dog was close to the airport of Congonhas, 15 km out of the place of the disappearance. The street was located through a map guide of the city and, inside of an extensive street; the house to where the dog had been taken was identified.

The science knows that our senses are limited. In the scale of electromagnetic radiations, for instance, the vision only notices the range that goes from the red to the violet, but the apparels detect and besides use what is above and below. The same happens with the other senses that are also touched only by certain range of vibrations. The Theosophy, however, affirms that the man has possibility of noticing the Universe in an integral way.

The first indication of internal balance is the enlargement of the intuition, phenomenon that is characterized perfectly by the science. The man goes, progressively, contacting the potentialities of his Superior Conscience that, as particle of the Divinity, goes on liberating Their attributes - omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience. The Creator gives to the being created, the possibility to embrace the All Universal and to integrate init. This fastens of the inferior part to the superior part, as it was already mentioned, is the true sense of the word religion, which comes from the Latin "religare."

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