to enlarge the degree of conscience
We already know that we are constituted by several bodies animated by a Conscience that, for being particle of the Divinity, possesses all of the attributes of God - omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence. These values are occult by the psyche, in other words, by the soul, that is formed by the emotional and by the mental in their several levels.
We saw, also, the reflex of the Law of the Polarity in the components of the soul: Will - Mind - Emotion.
Among these three factors there develop a tremendous game of forces that results in the being's Karma. Depending on the form how we drive that game we can evolve or, on the contrary, we can go back in our evolution. The non understanding or the wrong game results in the state of suffering; it generates this drama in which the human being is involved.
When we understand the mechanism of that game of forces, we see that the thing is simple. From the mental point of view it is, actually, so simple, so trivial, that the mind begins arming one of their ambushes. The mind begins soon suggesting: "Well, all this I already know, and then?" The problem is that the simplicity is only external and what the mental wants is not to deepen, because it brings responsibility to execute.
One of the great proofs that the candidate has to overcome when he is disposed to self - accomplishment is exactly the apparent simplicity of the requirements.
To understand the game of the factors of the soul it is necessary to distinguish between Will, Desire and Will Strength of Will.
When I say - "I want to go to the movies". It is desire.
When I say - "I am not going to the movies because I need to study" is Willpower.
When we express a Superior Will, we usually don't use the word Will. The non identification of the exact sense of this word hinders some people the understanding of the game of the soul. Will desire is the one that takes the man to the satisfaction of an immediate pleasure. Superior will is the one that takes the man to act in agreement with the dictates of his conscience.
Let us analyze the ideal outline of operation:
To solve any existential problem, without represses, I need to develop a process. Repress is exactly to throw the problem for the area of the unconscious without facing it and let is to continue acting from there, because we hide but we don't get rid of the principles that disturb.
Let us say that somebody wants to control an addiction - drunk, toxic, tobacco...
1. He should inject the problem in the mental; should study it from the scientific point of view, religious, ethical. He should look for elucidations regarding the problem. While acquiring knowledge, we will be discovering Laws; when discovering Laws we will increase our degree of conscience and we will progress in the evolution.
This is the objective of the Nature when the Law puts the difficulties, the problems on the men's road. It is not to see the man suffer, but to encourage him to discover a way of removing the painful and uncomfortable situations. It is because of this that the humanity is progressing in an unconscious way. Trying to remove the things that disturb her and looking for new forms cosier and more comfortable. After acquiring the knowledge, the man should enter with the argumentation. He should present all of the possible arguments in the sense of convincing himself that he should not continue in the addiction, for example, or, in other cases, why should he make such thing, why should he take such attitude etc. If, in this case of the addiction, after this argumentation, now with full knowledge, the individual give in and persist, if he let to be taken by the desire, he will suffer immediate and remote consequences, consequences those that the Theosophy calls of Karma. The immediate consequences he receives soon, among others, the ones linked to the health, and the remote ones, as future consequences, in the physical and psychic plan. If he doesn't listen to the argumentation of the reason, he goes on weakening the conscience and goes on feeding the emotion. Every time that we don't hear the voice of the reason, there goes reducing the field of the Will and, automatically, it goes enlarging the field of the desire. This unbalance results in negative Karma that is synonymous of suffering.
Countless aspects of this game of forces exist inside the soul to be approached, but I want to call the attention for a point that is interesting.
1. With the ownership of a problem the man suffers.
2. To solve a problem he suffers. This phase of the resolution is always painful; it is the phase of the doubt. It is so painful that the man always tries to flee away from it. The man doesn't face their problems, he tries to throw everything to the unconscious, he represses, but he continues involved in the problem, therefore inside of the suffering.
3. In case that he decides to face, he has two possibilities:
a) To solve wrongly and to suffer the immediate and remote consequences;
b) To solve correctly, when he also suffers. He suffers the renouncement of the desire. The breaking of an outline always provokes pain. The effort to surpass the desire or the solicitations of the selfhood causes great interior disturbance, state that we have tried a lot of times along the road of the self accomplishment, in other words, of the evolution.
4. Then it seems that the man is arrested always by having dog and arrested by not having dog. To come out of this game of the suffering, to find his liberation, the man has just a small chink, just a small possibility of choosing among thousands of other possibilities that take him always to the road of the interior dissatisfaction. Therefore this is the reason why there in the Bible we read: "narrow is the door and tight the road that leads the man to the salvation."
Let us see how it works:
If I solve wrong, I suffer twice, immediate and remote consequences.
If I solve correctly, I just suffer once. I suffer that effort to maintain the psychic balance but I acquire positive Karma whose synonym is happiness, peace.
This is the great game of the human soul.
If the man learns, isolating the emotion and knowing how to find the fair measure for their reactions, he finds the peace.
If he doesn't learn or doesn't have the force, he finds the suffering, the dissatisfaction.
Summarizing: Due to the conditionings that we bring we are accustomed to react in an emotional way, in search of an immediate pleasure. We will only get to surpass if we put in operation a process:
1. To put the problem in the mental, to acquire knowledge and to discover Laws;
2. To enter with the reason and to identify the fair measure, through the argumentation;
3. To hear the voice of the Reason;
4. To do what the Reason finds correct, with the power of the Will, even if it costs great effort.
That is what one call to act in agreement with the degree of conscience.
D.S. Vol. V: p. 532 - "Reason is something that oscillates between the right and the wrong. But Intelligence - Intuition - is superior, it is the clear vision." - "The Superior Mind governs the Will; the inferior transforms the Will in egoistic Desire."
Otto Rank (1.884 1.939), Austrian psychoanalyst: "The human being experiences his individuality in terms of his Will, and this means that his personal existence is identical to his capacity to express his Will in the world."
William James (1.842 1.910), psychologist and North American philosopher: "Be systematically heroic in small unnecessary points; make everyday some thing, without any other reason than his difficulty, so that, when you need your Will for something serious, she will be strengthened."
There exist psychological techniques that help a lot to find the road of the victory in this internal fight, not only in the sense of impelling the Will, but, also, in the one of neutralizing other psychic problems: the Neuro-linguistic of John Grinder and Richard Bandler; the Autogenous Training of Schultz; the several lines of "THE power of the thought."
It is worthwhile to seek to know them.