The old philosophers, such as Zenon, Aristotle, Anaxagoras, Neo-platonic, mentioned in the chapter I, all of them had for first concern the search of God.
Until very little time ago, we can say that the humanity believed in God and in the eternal life. From the passed century to here it increases the materialism, supported by the philosophies and by the materialistic sciences.
Today, we see in Russia the communist principles weakening the religion and in the United States we see to develop the biological materialism.
We can notice that materialistic tonic in the following pronouncements:
Julia Huxley, English, born in 1.887, notable biologist: The whole sphere of activities of the physiochemical and biological phenomena now can be considered in terms naturalistic; to invoke the action of God in the process is not only unnecessary, as intellectually doubtful." That thought was expressed in the magazine Time of 1/8/1.961.
J. J. Muller, honored Nobel prize: "To believe in the soul is to delight with the most fantastic illusions and to postulate that mind exists out of the brain is a volunteer mistake of the own person."
It favors the acceptance of those affirmatives, certain biological arguments that establish the relationship between mind and brain. For instance:
The discovery that, without any intelligence, each plant and each animal cell contains information chemically calculated in the acid ribonucleic - ARN - and in the acid deoxyribonucleic - ADN - that, acting in the chromosomes, qualify them to reproduce and to form the correct type of body; the intervention of the acid nucleic in the mechanisms of the memory and of the learning.
But the questions remain. Will it be that a creative intelligence exists? Will it be that something exists besides the physical matter, besides the energy and besides the phenomena to her inherent? Can the mind and the intelligence to exist separate from the cellular activity, so that a person's existence doesn't end when dies the body?
If the answer goes "no", this means that the Universe, so marvelously governed by necessary laws, to the point of turning possible the life, is nothing else than the result of accidental facts. If the man is just a machine that resists to the incentives of the environment trying to adapt, then which will be the objective of the life? Improve that machine? And will it be that those who believe in this scientific philosophical proposition are working for that, or, on the contrary, are they working to reduce the potentiality of the machine through the progressive artificialness of the modern life?
And in this acceptance of the machine, where is the free will?
If everything is computerized, and if nothing exists to be conquered besides their limitations, as a result of the human effort, then, the best is to take the largest personal advantage of the life - to become existentialist.
Curious fact, however, is that almost every astronomer believes in God. The astronomy has been proving that our world is part of an Universe in evolution. He is inserted inside of a galaxy, the Milky Way, which contains billions of suns with their planets, so immense, that the light, with the speed of 300 thousand Km. a second, would take 100 thousand years to cross from a tip to the other. However, the Milky Way is just a group, of medium dimensions, in the middle of other so many billions of galaxies.
All this universal complexity working inside of the most perfect mechanism of watchmaker's shop, presupposes the existence of a Cosmic Mind creative and maintainer. Everything is governed by laws extremely wise that could not be others, but only those that are here and that obey to a plan.
In 1.943, the edition of the Bulletin of the American Association for the Advancement of Science registered the following: "It is doubtful that the scientists can suggest change in some law of the nature that would not be disadvantageous, or to reduce, temporarily, the rigidities of some of those laws, without, certainly, cause more damages than benefits ''.
The more we study the nature, more extraordinary it seems that some intelligence could have enough wisdom to invent such complex and so functional system, inside of which each cell, each atom knows precisely, and with absolute wisdom, the position that should take inside of the global context.
There can be mentioned as example:
In the beginning there was fermentation. The accumulation of O2 turned possible the breathing and it made possible the life in more improved stage. There were bursts of mortal radiation coming from the sun that disabled the life and, then, O2 becomes ozone that arises and filters the radiations.
Transformations exist in the Universe. Suns appear and suns die. Everything shows that there was a beginning and there will be an end. If a system is going to turn into life home as we know it, the energy should emanate in a stable and usable way during great period of time and that is what happens as action of infinite intelligence.
The atoms of hydrogen are elements of construction with which all the other elements are formed. When the hydrogen was created it was given, to each atom 0,008 additional of its mass that, when in union with other atoms, they form heavier elements. The additional mass can be transformed in energy under such conditions as the existent inside the star, or in the center of the bomb of hydrogen. That only happens during the constructive process of the element. All the energy of the Universe, except the one of the gravitation effects, flows from that original 0,008 supplied by the Omniscient Creator. The excess could be neither more nor less. If minus, it would not give heat, if more, it would explode the star. In the Universe everything is controlled by natural laws. Any deviation in one of those laws would be fatal.
The atom is a micro dynamo immaterial in which the inductor is the electrons and the induced the protons, generating the electromagnetic forces that constitute the whole matter of the cosmoses. The energies generated by those dynamos are kept maintaining the structure and life of the atoms, not disappearing. It is a type of static electricity, generated by a system that is nourished by her to sustain her life. If the generated energy grows, the system is organized to continue capturing the energy inside. When the potential of the electron reaches the maximum he unloads his energy on the proton, accomplishing a fecundation and this generates another electron. At the same time, the proton doubles his potential to support the electron.
All those marvels of the Universe, certainly, could not be resultant of the chance.
The materialistic biologists say that the intelligence is function of the cerebral cells and that the mind cannot exist independent of them. When we study the nature, there appear doubts. The seminal cells of the alga of fresh water, of the gender Ulothrix, for instance, swim expelled by the plant and they have fluff or eyelashes in one of the extremities. They swim around, always in pairs and always they contact the extremity of eyelashes, what proves that it is not accidental. The pairs join them selves and they form a cell that, depending on the conditions, can become a new plant.
W. Scott Lewis describes the following episode: "The worms "palolos" that are nurtured in the bottom of the tropical sea, close to the island Samoa, they live the common life of a worm until the previous day of the day in that the moon reaches the last quarter in the month of October and also in November. On that day, it seems that a mysterious message arrives to each one of the colonies, noticing them that on that day they should marry. This way they spring out for the surface of the sea in countless groups until I covering it in a great extension. There we have a great mystery that nobody up to now solved. How does it can that a worm, in the bottom of the ocean, where he cannot see the moon, notice that she is about to reach the last quarter in given month of the year, and know it in the right day? It was proven that they are not regulated by the tides or by some rhythm of the nature known by us. It is a mystery that, in the appearance, still cannot be solved until the science doesn't break the walls of unexplored domains."
The analysis of the phenomena of the reproduction accuses inexplicable intelligence, without brain. There exists a direction besides the brain and that is present in all of the phenomena of the nature.
Observing that sharpness of the Cosmic Mind, scientists have pronounced:
Isaac Newton (1.642 1.727), the first to formulate the law of the gravity of the heavenly bodies: "The origin of the material world should be attributed to the intelligence and wisdom of a powerful one Being, always existent and present in the whole part, that dominates, consonant to his will, all the portions of the universe much more efficiently than our soul dominates, for his/her will, the movements of the body that is united to her."
Einstein (1.879 1.955): "Each new discovery of the science is a new door through which I encounter once again God, the author of it.
Leibniz (1.646 1.716), philosopher and German mathematician: "For us to be happy, it is necessary to live in the harmony of God."
Jung: "I know, with safety, that I confront myself with an unknown factor in itself, to which I call God."
The more we know the physics and the biology, so much more fort goes turning up our yearning for knowing the origin of the compulsion that makes to work, so masterfully, all the laws of the nature.
The man tends to create a God with his mind and the divinity is not something to be conceived with the mind. The divinity is something that is realized inside the individual, or better, that springs from his interior. They are words of Saint Agostinho: "If somebody asks me what is God, I admit that I don't know, but, if nobody asks me, then, I know."
The indispensable need of auto-accomplishment is because the same Christ that was in Jesus is inside of each one of us.
The concept of God in the Hinduism, as it is registered in Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad, is the following: "It is the One who, inhabiting in all of the things, is, however, different of all of the things; it is the One of whom all of the things ignore, but whose body is done of all of the things; it is the One who controls all of the things starting from inside; that One is your Soul, the interior Controller, the Immortal."
The progresses done in the nuclear physical researches during the two last decades have been taking the scientists to postulate the existence of an area sub quantum in which the matter exists in a subdivision state never dreamed in the past. They captured the neutrino, particle that can cross the common matter as well as the smoke can pass through a wire screen; and now there exists evidence that even the protons and neutrons are just simple aggregates of particles still smaller, so that the existence of subtler states of the matter, still not perceptible, is close of being unmasked.
We are a finite effect of an Infinite Cause, because of that we don't get to understand. That which the man notices is relative. The science affirms that the matter is discontinuous and that the wood, for instance, is constituted by emptiness, there only exist forces that attract. But we see the wood continuous, solid.
God, for the Theosophist, is the Ineffable Unity from which everything appeared. The concept of God is a concept Cosmic, Universal and not anthropomorphic. God is the sum of all the Laws that maintain, with so much precision, the harmony and the balance of the Universe.
Affirmatives that confirm the theosophic thought
Joseph Grasset (1.849 1.918), French, doctor, teacher of medical clinic in the University of Montpellier: "The occultism is the Promised land of the science"
Friedrich Humboldt (1.769 1.859): "More noxious than the own incredulity is the arrogant skepticism that rejects the facts without examining if they are or they are not true."
Fritjof Capra, in the book "THE mutation point", p. 353: "Freud and Jung had a deep interest for religion and spirituality; but Freud seemed obsessed by the need of finding rational and scientific explanations for the faiths and the religious behaviors, while Jung's approach was much more direct. Their several personal religious experiences convinced him of the reality of the spiritual dimension of the life. Jung started to consider the religion and the mythology compared as unequaled sources of information on the collective unconsciousness, and concluded that the genuine spirituality is integral part of the human psyche."
The ground of the human knowledge that more approaches the Theosophy is the science, they are not the religions. This because the scientist discovers laws and the one that the Theosophist searches is to discover them also. Only that the Theosophist takes an advantage; the laws are revealed to him by beings of transcendent nature like Krishna, Jesus and others. The man's work is to try them to take their conclusions.
The Theosophy doesn't try to explain God; she simply gives tools for the man to get, one day, to become equal to God, in other words, tools that can wake up God that is inside of each one of us.
Unhappily for the humanity, the incredulous students of today will be the scientists, the masters, the editors, the legislators of tomorrow. They will be the ones that will drive the thought of the civilization.
However, one of the great hopes is the one that the materialism of now a day gets, at least to a certain point, to clean away the mind of the superstitions, leaving virgin space for the spirituality that is already appearing. On these last years, there come structuring a great number of spiritualistic movements convinced that something exists besides this physical condition of the man and determined in discovering the last Truth of the Universe.
It follows the transcription of a pronouncement of Einstein:
"The common opinion that I am atheistic rests on serious mistake. Who intended to deduce it from my scientific theories didn't understand them. I have faith in a personal God and I can say that never, in my life, I gave in to an atheistic ideology.
There is no opposition between science and religion. There are just retrograde scientists that profess ideas that date from 1880.
Since eighteen years old, I already used to consider the theories of the mechanical evolutionism as hopelessly antiquated. Inside the atom does not reign harmony and regularity that these scientists presuppose. In him probable laws are inferred, formulated in the base of statistics re-formable. That indetermination, in the plan of the matter, opens place to the intervention of a cause that produces the balance and the harmony of those relationships different and contradictory of the matter. There is, however, several ways to represent God. Some represent him as me mechanical God that intervenes in the world to modify the laws of the nature and the course of the events. They want to put him to their service, through magic formulas. It is God of the primitive, old or modern. Others represent him as a juridical God, legislator and political agent of the morality that imposes fear and establishes distances. Others, finally, as interior God, that drives all the things from inside and that is revealed to the men in the more intimate of the conscience. The more beautiful and deep emotion that we can try is the mystic's sensation. This is the spawn of true science. He to whom this feeling is strange, that it can not stray and be excited by the spell, nothing, in fact, one dead.
To know that really exists that which is impenetrable for us, and that manifests as the greatest of the wisdoms and the most radiant of the beauties, that our blunted faculties can only understand in their more primitive forms, that knowledge, that feeling is in the same center of the true religiosity.
The religious cosmic experience is the more forts and the nobler source of scientific research.
My religion consists of humble admiration of the superior and limitless spirit that is revealed in the smallest details that we can notice in our fragile and uncertain spirits. That conviction, deeply emotional in the presence of a power rationally superior, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, is the idea that I make of God."