Dr. Geraldo de Paula Barros.
psychiatric doctor.
- Founder and former-president of the Mining Association of Medical Hypnosis and Odontológica;
- Vice-president of the I Pan-American Congress of Hypnology (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil);
- Vice-president of the I Brazilian Congress of Hypnology (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil);
- Titular member of the I Argentinean Congress of Sofrologia (Buenos Aires - Argentina);
- Titular member of the I World Congress of Sofrologia (Barcelona - Spain);
- Representative of Brazil in the II International Congress of Psychiatry in Zurich (Switzerland);
- Clinical Member of International Transactional Analysis Association;
- Provisional Teacher of International Transactional Analysis Association;
- Former-assistant of Psychiatry of University of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais;
- Neuro-physiology former-teacher and Neuro-anatomy of University of Bio-psychic Sciences of São Paulo;
- Former-teacher of Medical Hypnosis in University of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais;
- Former-teacher of Hypnosis and Analyze Transactional in University of Medicine of USP (São Paulo) ;
- Former-teacher of Medical Hypnosis and Dental in the Association and in the Union of Dentists of São Paulo;
- Teacher of Engineering of Communication (São Paulo);
- President in 2nd administrations, of Analysis Transnational's Brazilian Institute;
- Responsible direct for the several psychiatrists' didactic formation and psychologists in São Paulo;
- Now, it drives Clinic of Psychiatry, Neuro-linguistic, Analysis Transactional, Hypnosis and Bioenergetics in São Paulo.