Zélia de Toledo Piza
The foundation of the whole self-realization is. "Man, does know yourself.
We are the product of our innate characteristics, more the influence of the environment. What that which constitutes the environment? It is the outline social, political, economical, cultural etc.
If we analyze, we will see that the man's personality elapses of a game among three factors - mind, emotion and will (see more details in the book "The Man and the Universe"). To accomplish that game, therefore, to accomplish the phenomenon of the self-realization, we need to know the components of our soul and to know now to manipulate those elements so that we reach the balance.
It is necessary, firstly, to take conscience of the Laws that govern mind and emotion and to try to apply them in our life.
- CONTRADICTION - resulting from the polar principles that structure our mind and that take us to always have two choice roads, fact that brings as consequence, the doubt before the final resolution.
- IDENTITY - principle that governs the analogical thought. It is the capacity to associate ideas.
- REPETITION - the more times we went by a certain subject, looked under different angles, more we fixed it.
- MEMORY - that depends of the attention, of the observation and of the concentration.
(More details on the mind will be found in the book "Personal Equilibrium" of my authorship).
- CRITICAL ANALYSIS - capacity to analyze that which we hear, judging if it is or not constructive. In case of being constructive, we should have capacity to adjust the idea to the process of our life.
- PURPOSE OR USEFULNESS OF THE PARTIAL CONCEPTS that we go on forming - a consequence of the critical spirit.
- DISCERNMENT - to evaluate the value of each thing. We should how to apply them in the life.
- CAPACITY TO OBEY A SCALE OF VALUES. To have strong Will to act in agreement with the dictates of the conscience.
- SERENITY - to have interior peacefulness to face on collides of the life.
- RESIGNATION - not passive, but in an active way. We should conform with that which happens to us but to struggle to put upon to the negative events.
- DETERMINATION - to know which direction to take after careful analysis of all of the aspects of the situation.
- HAPPINESS - even inside of the difficulties and perplexities of the life, to maintain the optimism.
- Sense of humor - to always find the positive side of all of the events. We should to maintain an attitude that calls sense of humor.
- UNDERSTANDING - in relation to that happens with us as well as with the form as our fellow creatures act, because we are all different ones.
- HARMONY - not to lift controversies, much less to practice aggressions. We should to try to understand the situations and, above all, our fellow creatures.
- JUSTICE - capacity to practice the appropriate action to the needs of the moment that it is being lived. It demands training of analysis of the situation in which we are involved.
(More details about the emotion will be found in the book "Personal Equilibrium").
All these Laws of the mind and of the emotion they are very clear in the science. The psychosomatic, for instance, affirms that, if we harm the laws of the emotion, the Laws of the psychic balance, unavoidably we will enter in a process of organic unbalance.
For the science to detect those details of the soul and which is the dynamics of those factors, it needs to discover as the personality structures. The psychology of the development, based on several studious like Paul Mussen, Piaget and others, affirms that the man is born with a group of characteristics biological genetics, that determine the physical constitution, his temperament, their tendencies, his maturation rhythm, characteristics that do a being to be different from each other person. This affirmative of the science agrees with the law of the reincarnation. (The reincarnation is treated with more detail in the book "The Man and the Universe")
Well then, the direction that this whole biological panorama will take depends of the influence of the environment. The environment is decisive in the formation of the personality, then the need to know the context.
The individual's fundamental nature, in contact with the incentives of the environment, goes on generating along the life new structures linked to the phenomenon of the conditioning (see more details in the book "Personal Equilibrium"). For us to know ourselves, we need to take conscience of those influences that we received during the maturation period, which goes on from the maternal womb to 7 or 14 years of age, when the personality is structured. After this, says the science, any modification needs a conscious process, just as proposed by the therapies and as proposed by the initiation.
We are the product in the way as the adults with whom we lived acted, as they thought, they felt and they related with us as well as of the examples that they gave to as well us with the relationship among themselves. Today, we are also the product of the communication means that invade our homes.
The man, in the childhood, is a dependent being. The child doesn't have defenses nor in the mental field, nor in terms of knowledge, nor she has analysis capacity, therefore, of discernment, that are attributes of the rational mind.
In the emotional field, the affectionate life depends on the exchange with the beings of the environment.
The child considers the life not for the mental but for the pleasant sensations or for displeased sensations. On the other hand, it absorbs everything, because his objective is the maturation, it is to structure the personality. She is in a continuous attempt to know; avid for new experiences, insatiable in the curiosity, innate needs of survival.
Along the life, in that maturation period, in that the being is defenseless, the environment exercises tremendous pressures on his psychic one, pressures already perfectly identified for the science and that can be analyzed in another opportunity (pressures these that will be crumbled in the book "Personal Equilibrium"). We need to take conscience of those pressures for us to free ourselves of certain psychological loads as for instance: insecurity, lack of self-confidence, anxiety, anguish, indefinite dissatisfaction.
When we receive certain knowledge addressed to the self-realization, we are already formed or deformed by the context. Whatever happens around us is registered in our brain and start acting in an unconscious way about our conscious behavior. Scientific proofs exist, particularly the ones of the Dr. Penfield (more details in the book "Personal Equilibrium ").
To take conscience of those data that influenced on us and of the distortions that provoked, there is need of a critical analysis of the context, of the daily - family, society, cultural system, political system, inclusive, and above all the influences of the capitalist system that impinge us a series of prejudices of economical nature - "buys, acquire"; of affectionate nature - "demonstrate affection giving things, to give things is that means affection"; of moral nature - "smoke, cigarette is health, beauty, love, success"; of instinctive nature - the exploration of the sexuality, grounds in which the occidental society presents tremendous incoherence, of repression on one side and request for other.
It is known today that one of the factors more destructive of the personality is the incoherence and, however, all of the systems inside of which lived are rich in incoherencies.
All this and other countless points influenced on our formation. None of us came out unhurt of those marks that impede us of reaching the objective of the self-realization, which is it of the balance. To forget those influences, to despise them, to repress their effects would be as building our path without solid foundation.
If that which was put inside of us by default doesn't go on being analyzed, readjusted to the real needs of our current life, we will continue living in an unconscious way at the mercy of the opinions put inside of us by our education.
Only when we proceed to a real re-education, only when turning ourselves conscious of our reactions and we verify that they are in agreement with the Universal Laws, we will be on the way to reaching, one day, our Superior conscience.
Only analyzing the context, inclusive in his political aspect, seeking forms ideals of governing ourselves, we can leave a world better organized and calmer for our descendants.