Evolution - Karma - Reincarnation
Zélia de Toledo Piza
In spite of these three Laws be completely interlaced, because each one exists in function of the other; let us try to approach the most characteristic lines of each one of them.
According to words of the teacher José Henrique of Souza, evolution is the transformation of the life energy in life conscience.
We could say that are the slow modifications that are operated in the Universe, seeking a pre-established end. The evolution obeys to fix Laws.
In the man, it is the result of the Free Will and it is processed through cycles called reincarnation.
For us to understand well the problem of the evolution, we need to remember that the Universe comes from a Unit in potential state, but in perfect balance. In that state, of perfect balance, the Unit could not create the Universe. She needed to polarize, to generate a positive pole and other negative one. With the dynamics of those opposites, it became possible the appearance of the matter.
That polarity generated in the beginning of the Creation gives to the Universe the fundamental characteristic of the movement. The life in any organism is nothing else than the movement or vibration provoked by that polarity, present in the whole part, in the most varied forms, as - sound, light, heat, magnetism, chemical affinity, electricity, emotion, thought etc. The absolute rest doesn't exist. Everything that exists in the Universe, from the bodies that we see in the firmament until the smallest grain of sand are alive beings, vehicles of the Essence Unite, in several vibration degrees. There exists an occultist principle that says - "the matter is never as active as when it seems inert."
That cosmic polarity, that sustains the matter, it is present in the daily of our life as - well and badly, yes and no, loves and hate, high and low, day and night...
This Law of the Evolution, in the human being, is exteriorized through a need that appears in the man as anxiety, dissatisfaction, and desire to find something that lacks, sensations those that take him to look for the origin of the things, in short, to look for God.
The Universe, starting from the Eternal, enters in a process of involution to the maximum of materialization, of polarization. It is the transformation of the life energy in matter and that takes place through cycles. In the base of the involution that, in the study of Cosmogênese, is the 4th great cycle, after the creation of the Universe, is that the formation of the hominal is completed. From this maximum point of descent begins the evolution that is characterized by the man's progress in the spirituality. The man is responsible for the evolution of the Universe.
The road of the descent is the road of the divergence among the opposites. It is where the largest attractions force can exist giving the solids but, also, the largest repulsion force can exist. This explains the state of antagonism extant in the current world. According to the Theosophy, the maximum point of descent is beginning to be passed.
Cosmically speaking, the polarization arrived to its end, because the Universe won't go down besides this cycle that we are living. Now, the polarization is still active in the man's heart, and this neutralization is exactly the objective of the Evolution.
Starting from this period of the Universal life, up to where manifested the Energy Life, there should have beginning the realization of the Conscience Life. It is for this reason that Sant Agostinho transmitted in his philosophy and theology the idea: "From the Divinity we came and to her we will return."
The man's evolution should happen in his interior, in his soul, through the transformation of the emotion, but this evolution is also reflected in the physical body. The science, noticing this, developed such studies as the one of Phrenology, structured by Franz Joseph Gall (1758 - 1828), and that was systematized by Spurzheim. Investigating the cranial characteristics, they perceived that there were specific locations for each tendency. This study created later the Psychognomy, formulated by Paul Bouts in 1900, and that also studies the format of the skull in relation to locations of the tendencies. He also affirms that, through the format of the organs of the senses, we can see the reflex of the being's characteristics.
The Psychognomy is a lot of well based - there are lines in the human being that express sharply internal factors. For instance, base of the skull straight line giving support to the forehead, it indicates mental capacity. That entrance in the superior part of the nose, close to the eyes, as shell, indicates reflection capacity. Nose is efficiency line. The persistence capacity in a certain activity is in the saliencies of the nasal edge.
Lips well formed, with joint upward, ascendant, shows a person strong, optimistic. With the joint downward, shows a person absent of dynamism and negligence. Straight joint, without drawing of the lips, indicates coldness, calculating person.
Naturally, to reach a conclusion, it is necessary to analyze the correlation among the characteristics; they can be added or to be annulled.
The disciple, however, can develop a perception capacity called causal. Without analyzing anything in detail, he can foresee a person's characteristics. Little by little, through the development of the intuition, he will begin knowing everything regarding everything in the Universe.
The word Karma has her origin in the word Sanskrit - Kri - that means action. It is therefore Law of the action. There exists a well known law of the physics that defines Karma. To every action corresponds a reaction of same intensity but of contrary direction.
If I practice a positive action in certain moment of the life, I will receive a positive consequence, coming from the own action, in the present moment, or in another occasion of my present life or in future lives.
If I practice a negative action, even if I have the impression that I am not receiving negative consequences in the present moment, certainly I will be receiving the consequences in the future of this life or in future lives.
The negative Karma, however, is not fatal, relentless. I can modify him practicing positive actions that compensate the negative pulses.
In last analysis, Karma is the Law that governs the whole Universe. It is her that maintains the balance of our solar system. All of the laws discovered by the scientists don't pass of aspects of the Karma.
The man, being possessor of the capacity of discernment, possessing the attribute Reason, is responsible for their decisions. With that capacity of judgement on the events that surround him, the man begins exercising the great Law of the Free Will. Analyzing that Law of the Free Will more deeply, we see that she is curious. It could be defined as the right that the man has to do the right. For the following: There exists a road that I should travel, but I can go to the right or to the left. It happens that, all the time that the man leaves the highway of his personal accomplishment, he is whipped by the Law through the suffering that forces him to retreat and to enter again in the ascendant road. And the man ends up noticing that this right of going to the left or to the right is very relative. But if this right didn't exist the possibility of acquisition of conscience would disappear.
The maxim "Who sows wind picks storm" is right for the cases of negative Karma, but the Karma can be positive. What happens is that when it is positive is more difficult of being noticed, because when everything goes well, the man doesn't stop to analyze. Thence the unilateral idea that Karma only acts as negative principle. That is the reason of the punishment idea that involves the Karma. But the actions, feelings or positive thoughts, give as effect actions, feelings or positive thoughts. To the opposite, the actions, feelings and negative thoughts give as resulted actions, feelings and negative thoughts. However, the effect of a practiced action is conditioned always to the degree of conscience of the one who practiced it.
Karma can also be generated by the omission. Sometimes, Karma generated by the omission is more terrible than that generated by a wrong action - the Law values more that who misses acting than that which is omitted by laziness or for fear of going wrong.
In the man, Karma can be analyzed under two aspects: Individual and collective Karma. Individual is that received by causes generated individually. The collective Karma is acquired by the action of a group, a race and has to be exhausted by the group. The people of the same family are linked to a common Karma. Therefore it is necessary very care in the coexistence with members of our family. This state of incomprehension, rivalries, disaffections, existent inside of a family, is natural, it is resulted by the Karma and it is exactly that which we need to undo, to annul, to win.
According to the Theosophy, everything that we think and feel is registered in the called "Akasha" - that is constituted in a true book of the Eternal. It registers all the pulses of the soul. This means that we are the product of ourselves, living the past in the present and being projected for the future. The failures of today were already built yesterday. As the yesterday of the tomorrow is today, then that who is living egoistically will already be building their failures of tomorrow.
Karma explains the inequalities and diversities of the human beings' conditions. It would not be possible to understand the justice of God if each one just had the opportunity of a life.
Karma is a Law neither good nor bad; it is just fair. It is a law reciprocative that rewards and punishes with rigorous impartiality. In their effects she is a repairer of all the flaws and human unbalances, correcting the mistakes with justice.
As for the suffering, we have a point to consider: He can be caused by a mistake but, also, by the effort of winning our conditionings, our psychic problems. It is preferable, however, to suffer for the internal fight and not for the mistake. That who suffers because made a mistake can learn the lesson, but the karma was generated by him, while that who suffers because be struggles, one day will win and the suffering will cease.
To understand the problem of the Reincarnation, we need to observe that everything in the Universe develops in cycles. They are cycles of birth, acme and decadence, clear and distinct in all of the sections of the Nature. Even the vibration itself, base of everything that exists, is expressed by a cycle. The oriental texts tell us that there are cycles when everything turns back to the Unit, called "Pralaya" and cycles of evolution denominated "Manuântara" where everything begins again to have dual nature.
The cycle of the civilizations through the history, with birth, acme and decadence, is clear.
The man's life - childhood, maturity, old age and decline.
Everything is reincarnated. The theory of the reincarnation is the most conceivable solution for the cosmic enigma. The death is a necessary phenomenon to the evolution, because in each life the man acquires larger conscience, enlarges his concept of badly and good. With the death, he abandons their conditioned reflexes, because he begins each new cycle in a new soul. That new soul will just be moved by their fundamental tendencies. Tendencies those that the man should try to balance to the maximum, developing such principles as: love, intelligence and consequent acquisition of internal forces that allow him to direct his nature in the sense of the evolution.
When the man balances their tendencies, he will be reinstated in his Superior Conscience, particle of the Divinity, being this the only objective of the evolution, when the Karma will be interrupt and when the man will be freed of the Wheel of the Births, because he will have won the death.
Great thinkers that foresaw the life after the death:
Socrates (470 - 399 aC) - "I am convinced that really exists such thing as a new life, that the life springs from the death and that the souls of the dead are in existence."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) - "The soul comes from outside to inside of the human body, as if it were entering in a temporary residence and again she leaves him... she goes by other houses, because the soul is immortal."
Jack London (1876 - 1916) - "I didn't begin when I was born neither when I was conceived. I grew up and I developed through incalculable myriad of millennia... all my previous me have their voices, echoes and inspirations in me... oh! I shall be born again incalculable times."
Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904 - 1935) - "Death doesn't exist. How can it have death if everything is part of the Divinity? The soul never dies and the body really never lives."
Herman Hesse (1877 - 1962) - "He saw all those forms and faces in thousands of relationships... they turned back newly born. Each one was mortal, a lover and vigorous example of everything that is transitory. But none of them died, they just changed, they were reborn continually and they always had a new face; only the time stayed between a face and other." Nobel Prize - Siddhartha
Léon Tolstoi (1828 - 1910) - "As well as we live through thousands of dreams in our current life, on the same way our current life is just one of a lot of thousands of those lives through which we entered in another more real life.., and then we returned after the death. Our life is nothing else than one of the dreams of that real life, and like this, she is endless, until the last, true life - the life of God."