Once, those terms of mind and emotion, we are much more emotion, let us try to know a little more some of their aspects:

1.  The emotion hinders the calm of the mental matter. She is the one that convulses. There is no disturbance except when the emotion is moved.

2.  Emotion hinders the placement of the orderly thought. She impedes the control of the images. She takes to the dispersion.

3.  The psychology affirms that the emotion is the one that determines the structuring of the personality.

Those considerations take us to the need of analyzing the emotion and of seeing well her role in the game of the soul.

To get a balance, we need to reformulate our attitudes in relation to the emotion:

1.  The maximum of attention that we should give to the unbalanced emotions, to the disturbing ones, is that they are necessary elements because they provoke the internal dynamics that results in the evolution. When they unbalance us, they are accomplishing their role. We should stay in a calm behavior whatever happens around us. Huberto Rhoden's sentence can be applied to countless of conflicting situations: "The badly that the other ones do to me, doesn't make me any badly, but the badly that I do to the other ones, are the ones that makes badly to me".

2.  We have been living in function of the impulses, of the claims of the emotion. Now, we should start being an impartial observer, without emotional involvement. To be a second person that can judge about the JUSTICE of the event. I am convulsed, but will it be that I am right or will it be that the reason is on the other side?

3.  The healthy attitude before stimulus linked to the attachment, to the desire, to the selfhood, name that, as we saw, the Theosophy gives to the group - pride, vanity, self esteem, jealousy, envies etc. - it is difficult to explain. It is a pass over the immediate reaction and to see what the Nature looks for to teach us through the reaction. It is not to leave of feeling. Since there was a stimulus, there will be a reaction. Only a very balanced person, a follower, won't feel, because they are besides the game; or, then, an unbalanced one, a lunatic, an alienated. It is necessary to clarify well that it is not a stoic attitude, it is not to ignore the thing; it is not to leave for an existentialism. It is not - "I am not going to feel for not to suffer and to flee of the subject". It is - "I will feel, I will be authentic in relation to the sensation, but I will acquire capacity to drive the reaction in a conscious way". It is an active attitude in search of a solution

4.  In the dynamics of the elements of the soul - Will, Mind and Emotion - I should not consider the emotion as detail. The grounding for this affirmative is in Psycho-cybernetic, whose contents I present in my book "Personal Balance" mentioned previously. Theosophically, the emotion is constituted by energetic forces that are in syntony with our emotional state, therefore, if we think in the cause of the emotion, we will be more and more involved inside of it. To get out it is necessary to use the Will. Let us say that we are depressed because somebody offended us. In the dynamics, the reflection should be in the game between Reason and Will and not in the emotional stimulus. One should not think, for instance: why will it be that such person offended me, or other cogitations of the same drift. I should think: I feel calm and tranquil and, inside of this state, I will try to solve the situation, following the process exposed in the previous chapter, when we tried to present an outline.


It happens that the problem is not simple, it is complex. To apply the outline to real cases, I should brush up some data about the operation of the emotion:

1.  In the current stage, as it was seen, the emotion is polarized. In her unbalance, she has two functions: stimulant, when it incites to look for the thing, to do the thing; or inhibiting, when I don't want to do certain thing, or when I want and I don't get to do.

2.  The problems with which we confront can be of two natures - objectives or subjectives:

  - When they are OBJECTIVE, as soon as I become aware, I get to bring the whole correlated picture to the conscious and I get to manipulate the outline. For instance: loss of a job - to analyze if it is fair or unjust, that lessons to take from it etc. There exist, though, stimulus that, in spite of objectives, they are very complex - to smoke, to drink, to gamble, narcotics, jealousy etc. Try to follow the process. Try to know all the facts: to acquire knowledge, to argue; to relate ethical, aesthetic, logical and social data.


The correction for any type of objective emotional problem, not always can be drastic. They settled by conditioning, by progressive doses. There exists, therefore, two fundamental roads:

a) Whenever the emotional influence goes stimulating, there is a need of dilution, of the inversion of the conditioning, starting to do every time a little less.

b) Whenever the influence if of inhibition, do it every time a little more.


I accompanied a case of affectionate difficulty to the Parents. The person acquired knowledge and she analyzed - conflict of values, liberation desire, and lack of appropriate communication on the part of the Parents. Through the argumentation, she concluded that the right would be to relate well. She elaborated an action plan. She began with touches, small dialogues, until winning entirely. There was effort and, even to a certain point, pain - that to get to love.


- When they are SUBJECTIVE, unconscious, we don't get to bring the picture of internal correlations. Examples: insecurity, fear, phobias, problems in the area of the sexuality - excesses, deviations, inhibitions and others. They are very difficult of working directly. There is the need of a specialist's support. It is necessary to choose a competent professional. Not conform to of staying with the problem.




Scientifically, what provokes emotional reaction is a movement in the glandular system. The reaction appears when something happens unexpected in relation to the foreseen outline; that for positive reactions and for negatives.

We find more fun in an anecdote which ending is out of the expectation, which is more incoherent in relation to the established concepts. The anecdotes are without fun when their ending approaches the reality.

The same happens with the violent emotions. The violent emotion comes always from a frustration. It is always the breaking of an expectation. I hope that something will happen and it doesn't happen.

The great delicate emotions are also product of the unexpected. For instance, in the day of the Mothers, the person feels a certain emotion before those that always remember and other emotion when, unexpectedly, there appears somebody that comes to express that considers her as Mother. Therefore, to maintain the charm inside of the affectionate relationship, it is necessary creativity; small surprises. To imagine, to plan gestures out of the expectation.

Observation: To understand the complexity of the emotion better, read how it is structured, in the book "Personal Equilibrium" of my authorship. 

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