To understand better certain placements that were already done, we will present a synthesis on the cosmogenese.

Before that there is Universe, it pre-exists an Eternal Principle that condenses, inside of itself, all the potentialities of the objective world. Among the Theosophists that Principle is known as the Substance.

In the "Book of the Numbers ", Caldaico, the Substance receives the name of Blazing Soul of the Pelican, comparison that is registered in the Secret Doctrine, Stay III - Sloka 8.  

This same symbolism is used by the Freemasons and by the Rose-crosses that represent the Pelican stripping the own chest to feed their seven nestlings. That is a perfect image of the Eternal principle, that is in the inertia activate state, which removes from him the vital substance to form the Universe that is structured in seven stages.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - H.P.B.  - with base in a very old symbolism, registered in impermeable palm leaves, describes, in the following way, the four fundamental stages of the manifestation:

 The first symbol is a perfect circle, representing the Eternal, in other words, the Substance, with all the possibilities of coming to be.

The second is a circle with a point in the center, representing the first differentiation.

The third is a circle with a diameter, representing the cosmic division, the polarization.

The fourth is a circle with an inserted cross, representing the product of the crossing among the two Poles of the Universe.

We will see the emergence of the Universe according to the Hindu tradition, trying to relate with the symbols of H.P.B. and, at the same time, to observe the variety of names applied to the same cosmic stage and, this, only inside of the Hindu philosophy.

"The Spirit of Life, in other words, the Substance () - penetrating in the egg of the virgin matter (), as eternal germ that is made periodic germ, stays incubating for a hundred divine years, after which is born Brahma. Brahma divides his body in two parts () - part superior, solar, masculine, that is the own Brahma, and part inferior, lunar or feminine, that is Vach, the Verb, the word. And Brahma generates in Vach the Son, the Active Universe ()".

This means that, in a fourth phase of the Universe, Father and Mother join them selves, the Father represented by the line active and vertical and the Mother by the passive and horizontal line, forming the Cross of the World, the Active Universe, the Son, the Demiurge, the Builder, the Supreme Architect of the Freemasons.

We will try to detail more those four phases of the manifestation:

  The circle already mentioned as Spirit of Life and Substance, still inside of the Hindu philosophy, it is known by the word Sanskrit Parabrahm. The one that is beyond Brahma, the Absolute, The one that doesn't have attributes, from whose essence everything emanates and that impregnates everything, from the highest among the Hierarchical Beings to the tiniest material atom.

H.P.B.   "Parabrahm, the Unknown and the One impossible of being known, is not the Ego, and is not the No-Ego, nor either the Conscience, is not at least... but although not being in Itself an object of knowledge is, without a doubt, capable to sustain and to give place to all the things and classes of existences that turn into object of knowledge. It is the Unity Essence, of which is born for the existence a center of Energy that calls Logos." Subba Row, great specialist of Vedanta, in his book "Notes on Bhagavad-Gita", confirms the idea of Parabrahm to give appearance to the Logos, in the following words: "Parabrahm () is the Essence from which appears for the existence a center of energy that I will call, for the time being, of Logos (). It is called Verb by the Christians, and he is the divine Christ that is eternal in his Father's Breast. In almost all the doctrines is present the formulation of the existence of a center of spiritual energy that was never born and is eternal and that it exists in the breast of Parabrahm during the rest periods, known as Pralaya, and it begins as a center of conscious energy in the period of cosmic activity."

  That center of energy, represented by H.P.B. for the circle with the point in the center and mentioned by Subba Row as Brahma, is the Creator's masculine aspect and it exists periodically when the Universe manifests and stops existing in the great Universal rest, known as Pralaya.

  The circle with the diameter, that received from Subba Row the name of Vach, is also known by the word Sanskrit Vishnu, that comes from the root "Vish" that means to cross. It is the feminine aspect of the Creation and it is, just as it was seen in the transcription of the Manava Dharma Shastra, "ONE" with Brahma that created her by the division of his own body. It would be the Mother of the Universe.

  The circle with the internalized cross is also known by the word Sanskrit Shiva. He is the builder, the one that destroys in a certain plan to rebuild in a superior plan. He would be the Son, with the whole the karmic game of the Creation.


When the student is disposed to research, inside of the several traditions, the origin of the universe, he gets excessively confused, because of the great amount of names applied to the same stage. For instance:

Substance, Parabrahm, Absolute;

Brahma, Logos, Verb of the Christians, Father of the Universe;

Vishnu, Vach, Mother of the Universe;

Shiva, Demiurge, Builder, Supreme Architect, Son.


Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, for instance, are constituted in the Trinity Hindu, of the Vedic philosophy. The Trinity is an archetype that appears in all of the traditions and, in each one of them, receives different names.

They are examples:
















Spirit Saint



Kether - the crown symbolized by an old King of profile and only with a face;

Cochmah - wisdom - symbolized by a beard man;

Binah - understanding mature woman called Jehovah Elohim.


Greek - Mythology

       They are known as the three Norms or Parcas that spun eternally.

Clotho - the first that supported the distaff - the Will of the Eternal that maintains everything;

Laquesis - the second that spun - the Activity;

Atropos - the third that used to cut the thread. She assumed that the work was finished, in other words, the acquisition of Conscience or Wisdom.

Because of that amount of names, when studying, we should seek, initially, to disconnect our attention from the names and to fix your attention in the function of each stage. The philosophy which places better the function when giving the name to the stages is the Cabal. Inside of the Cabal, as it is registered in the Sepher-Ha-Zohar, there are also four moments of the Creation, considered as the four Worlds. In agreement with what we have been doing, we will start to present them in correspondence with the symbols of H.P.B.:

1. World of the Principles.

2. World of the Causes.    

3. World of the Laws       

4. World of the Effects    


This nomenclature that is adopted by the Theosophy in a general way helps the understanding. Each one of these four Worlds has a particular characteristic and a specific function that is very well expressed in that classification. It is difficult to describe these moments of the cosmogenese in a didactic way, because they are concomitant processes and they are present, always, in all the things and in all the events. It is the omnipresence of God. All the moments have these four stages: a Principle, without whom nothing would exist, a Cause, or an idea of God and a Law governing the relationship between the Cause and the Effect.

We will increase some more data to explain better that unchain of the Universe.


- World of the Principles, the Substance, or Parabrahm, is that Principle that preexists and that brings inside of himself, in perfect balance, everything that is necessary to create the Universe. It is also known as 1° Throne.


- The World of the Causes, Brahma or Logos, also known in the Theosophy as Occult Sun, is that moment in which the first vortex appears inside of the Substance and that will delimit the space.  Brahma is the potentiality of all that will come to be. It is the passage of the stability to the instability. It is the egg put by the bird Kalahansa, in other words, by Parabrahm, that Principle that is out of the time and of the space. In Brahma there increases the tension of the energies contained in Parabrahm and they will explode giving appearance to the Universe. Those energies have determining characteristics known by the Yogis with the name of Gunas and that, according to H.P.B., with base in the philosophy Sankya, are inherent qualities to the energies that model the matter:

- Sattva corresponding to the rest inside of the Divine Wisdom and that, in the structuring of the matter, operates with the centrifugal force.

- Rajas corresponding to the movement, to the activity, to the vibration.

- Tamas corresponding to the inertia and that operates with the centripetal force.

Because of the seven potentialities of the Gunas, in other words, of the seven gradations in which they can operate, the seven Primordial atoms appear, that will delineate the seven plans of the matter.

Alice Bailey, in her "Treaty on Los Siete Rayos", says: "The life is the synthesis of all the activity, activity that is the mixture of a lot of energies, because the life is the total sum of the energies of the seven Solar systems, of which our solar system is one."

Brahma is the World of the Causes because it is Him that elaborates archetypical the plan. He corresponds, in the Theosophic nomenclature, to the 1° Throne. It is the possibility to transform the Not to Be in Being - the incontingent in contingent. It is the nucleolus through where eternally the necessary energies flow to maintain the integrity of the Universe.

- We will try now to know the mechanics of those Cosmic Worlds, noticing the function of the World of the Laws that corresponds, in the Theosophic nomenclature, to the 2nd Throne.

Each Cause is governed by a Law so that it results in an organized Effect here in the World of the Manifestation. Lawless, the World of the Effects would be a chaos. However, harmony exists even in the apparently unbalanced phenomena, as cataclysms, inundations etc. They are controlled by the laws that govern the cycles of transformation.

The World of the Laws works as a filter through where pass the Causes. The Universe progresses through pulses of Cause and Effect.

Obeying to one of the Universal Laws, every Cause, inside of the plan Archetypical, to project, is polarized. When polarizing, that which it projects is its opposite. To project the opposite, it is necessary to the Cause to have a point to mirror. That point is the Law - for that reason the symbol of the hour - glass is so significant.

The sum of these points is that is constituted in the World of the Laws, also known as 2nd Throne. Everything in the Universe is governed by Laws. The fact of an object to fall when released in the space is Effect. The real truth is in the group of Laws linked to the principle of the Gravity and which are the 2nd Throne.

When we notice that each movement in the World of the Effects has a Cause governed by a Law, we understand the esoteric affirmative that the 2nd Throne is every where part and it exists without existing. The 2nd Throne is a state of relationship; it is a state of being.

Let us see well, the 2nd Throne is not a place. There exists a tendency of thinking in a place outside - sky, hell, and purgatory; difficult to lose the idea of a God, out in the skies. The Substance, Parabrahm or God is everything and he is in everything. God of the religions is elaborated inside of the limitations of the world of the phenomena. He is a Being that possesses body, position in the Universe, he inhabits the Sky. He reacts with pulses, punishing, rewarding, forgiving, and criteria finite, relative.

The idea of a God - positive pole - separated, external, it implicates in a Devil - negative pole - external, which establishes an antagonism between both. That impedes the man of accomplishing the reintegration of those two principles. However, the objective of the evolution is of reconciling those poles.

 - Here in the World of the Effects, also known as 3rd Throne, we only know the effects. By the effects the scientists try to discover the Laws that govern the phenomena. Our Conscience is focused in the 3rd Throne. Through the interior development we will be able to transfer the Conscience for other plans. It is a transfer very different from the one provoked by the hallucinogens. These take the person to the astral plan through the breaking of the vital net, as we will see in the chapter XIII, facilitating infiltrations of the astral and harming the person's normal evolution. As the hallucinogen gives an emotional experience and puts aside the mental, diluting the whole existential problem, then, the individual has an illusion of satisfaction and he wants to repeat. But the right is there to be a transfer of the Conscience in a conscious way, through the subtlety of the centers of force where, in our physical body, are reflected the cosmic energies.


Confirming everything that was said about the Universe, we have Einstein's words:

"In the instant zero of the Universe, the whole matter and all the energy were concentrated in a single point of infinite density. The space and the time were bent, closed on themselves. On that moment, the Cosmos exploded leading off an expansion that is still in course, where the galaxies and the stars continually stand back from each other. The Universe becomes rarefied and the matter and the energy more diluted. The movement becomes freer in a space-time more distended, of softer curvature. That expansion can continue indefinitely or it can be interrupted in certain moment, dragging the Cosmos once again to a primordial state and to the rebirth."

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