The Primordial Substance, that projects from himself the Universe, is the Universe in several phases during the period of activity called Manuântara. It is as if he were the proprietor of a company executing, himself, the several demanded functions.

That principle, that Substance called Parabrahm, is that takes the position of Occult Sun, later the situation of Vishnu and of Shiva etc. Parabrahm can make that without altering, without harming himself because he is not a quantity. From a quantity, if we remove a part, it always is lacking some thing. It happens that Parabrahm is not a quantity; he is a state of being; a state of being in each stage of the Universal life. In every moment, all of the potentialities of Parabrahm are present, just differentiated for function ends. That is the omnipresence of God.

The Eternal, that is the Unit, is polarized. The Creation is only possible through the dynamics among two poles.

Then there appear the potential principles of the Spirit and of the Matter, known in the Vedic literature as Purusha and Prakriti. Purusha comprehend states of manifested Cosmic conscience, it is the Spirit that hovers above the Creation, impregnating everything; and Prakriti comprehend the substrata of the manifestation, the forms of which those consciences are covered so that they can become manifested.

Purusha and Prakriti cannot subsist one without the other because they are constituted in a dialectics polarity. What happens is that, along of the manifestation, there exists predominance some times of the one and sometimes of the other.

When the polarization starts inside of Brahma there appears a whirl that disperses in the form of a fog and the matter is subdivided, by the action of Gunas, in small particles that we could call primitive or primordial atoms.

Those atoms are constituted in the powder of the worlds, the sidereal dust. It happens that, for the action of the Gunas, that have septenary potentiality, as we saw in the chapter XI, Purusha and Prakriti are, also, of septenary nature, so that those atoms differ in seven types and go on to constitute in the base of the seven cosmic plans, differentiated in density. Through a septenary outline, there goes on being elaborated descending spirals inside of the vibratory range, driving the matter from the subtlest to the densest.

D.S. Stay VI:2 - "THE Radiant and Fast "ONE" produces the Seven Centers of matter, against which nothing will prevail until the Great Day "Be with us"; and it seats the Universe in these eternal foundations, surrounding our Universe with the Elementary Germs, that are the atoms of the Science."

These atoms delineated by Purusha and Prakriti would stay calm and tranquil, if there were not the performance of Fohat, that is the active group of Sattva and Rajas and that, being part of the initial vortex, that emanates from the Occult Sun, in other words, of Brahma, has the function of impelling the atoms so that they go on turning more and more dense, always controlled by the performance of three Gunas:

Sattva - centrifugal force;

Rajas - the movement, the vibration;

Tamas - centripetal force. It is the force that is opposed to the expansion. It is the energy whose tendency is to delimit the processes, completing, in that way, the smaller and larger cycles, that return to the rest called Pralaya for, after a certain time, again to begin a Manuântara, or activity period, what happens by new pulse of Fohat.

According to H.P.B.: "The evolution of the Universe has beginning with the intellectual energy of the Logos. This intellectual energy, in other words, that light of the Logos, is the connection link among the objective matter and the thought of Logos. It receives in several Buddhist books the name of Fohat. This is the instrument that the Logos uses to work. Fohat is the essence of the Cosmic electricity, the Vital Force. In the manifested world it is the always present electric power, the destructive and as will as constructive power".

The first phase of the manifestation is an expanding process, because there is predominance of Fohat that contains Sattva and Rajas. Sankya seven thousand years ago already affirmed that the Universe was in expansion. The astronomy, today, confirms that saying that the galaxies stand back with the speed of 60.000 Kms. a second from a celestial point, placed to close to the star Sirius. They walk for the strip of the red, towards Vega, therefore, still descending to the densest.

The two principles already mentioned in the previous chapter, Brahma and Vishnu, we can call Comics Father and Mother, because from them there will be leaving the builders of the Universe.

D. S. Stay III: 10 - "Father and Mother weave a web whose superior part is arrested to the spirit, to the Light in the Darkness, and whose inferior part is arrested to the shady extremity - the matter. This web is the Universe, woven with the two Substances, that are "One", the Primordial Substance, known in the Hindu philosophy as Svabhavat."

Svabhavat is a Sanskrit word and it means the "Spirit, the Essence of the Substance."

To direct that formless matter there appear the first ones Cosmic beings, the Builders, the Architects, that receive, in Esoteric Buddhism, the name of Dhyan Chohans, children of the Comic Father and Mother and, for all of them being "One", they are Beings Auto Generated with the purpose of accomplishing functions inside of the structuring of the Universe. They are those beings that appeared from the second throne, from the World of the Laws that will put into practice in the plans of the manifestation, the archetypical ideas that are contained in the Divine Law.

According to H.P.B.: - "Dhyan Chohans is a Sanskrit word that means "the Master of the Light"; they are the highest "gods", corresponding to the Archangels of the Roman Catholicism. They are the Divine intelligences assigned of the supervision of the Cosmoses".

D. S. Vol. II: p. 204 - "These Beings are the Children of the Light, because they emanate from that infinite Ocean of Light, at the same time that are auto generated inside of him, and one of the poles of that Ocean is pure Spirit lost in the fullness of the Not to Be, and the other pole, the Matter in which it condenses, crystallizing in types more and more ruder, while descending inside of the manifestation. Therefore, the matter, in spite of being, in a sense, just sediments of that Light whose Rays are the Creative Forces, nevertheless, brings inside of itself the total presence of the Spirit, in other words, of that Principle that nobody not even the "Children of the Light", derived from his Absolute Darkness will never get to know."

D.S. Vol. V: p. 208 - "For that reason, as correctly affirmed - if the Universe as a whole is projection of the Eternal Substance Unity, or Essence, is not that Eternal Essence, the Absolute Divinity, who builds the forms; that is done by the first Rays, the Angels or Dhyan Chohans, that emanate from the only Element, which, becoming periodically Light and Darkness, stays eternally in the Root of the Principle, the only unknown, although the only existent Reality."

D.S. Vol. II: p. 202 - "In what respect to the subject of the "Seven Governors", that Hermes calls "Seven Builders", the Spirits that guide the operations of the Nature, and from which the lively atoms are the shadow... ".

D.S. Vol. V: p. 128 - "Basilides spoke about seven Aeons, angels' cohort that sprang from the Substance of the Supreme."

D.S. Vol. V: p. 208 - "In the Cabala Caldaica or Judaic, the Cosmos is divided in seven worlds and it is in the second World that there appear the seven Angels of Presence, or Sefirotes. In the Western Doctrine they are the Builders and it is only in the third World that the planets and our Solar system are built by the seven Planetary Angels, and the Planets are their visible bodies."

D.S. Vol. I: p. 114 - "The Seven Sublime Masters are the Seven Creative Spirits, or Dhyan Chohans, that correspond to the Hebraic Elohim. It is the same hierarchy of archangels of the Christian theogony."

D.S. Vol. V: p. 375 - "Dhyan Chohans, the first Builders. The spirit of those seven, collectively, is Atmă - an eighth Principle, equal to the Whole."

These seven Dhyan Chohans, obeying the Cosmic mechanics, that goes on reproducing along the descent for the matter, they are also polarized, giving, on a side, the conscience of the Universe, and on the other the atomic matter. The atoms go on multiplying, the phenomena goes on repeating in such a way that results in this multiplicity of effects just as we see them today.

With the purpose of coordinating that work, of the polarization of the Seven, the Cosmic Hierarchies appear; cohort of Beings with specific functions. The Creative Forces that are linked to Purusha maintain the conscience of the cycles and they bring larger amount of Fohat. The ones that are linked to Prakriti, they control the structuring of the matter and they bring larger amount of Tamas that also receives the name of Kundaline.

D.S. Vol.II p. 360 - "The One Cosmic Atom turns into seven Atoms in the plan of the matter and each one becomes a center of energy; that same Cosmic Atom transform himself in seven Rays in the plan of the spirit and in seven Creative Forces of the Nature, irradiating from the Essence Root. Some follow the road of the right, other the one of the left, separating until the end of the Kalpa and, in spite of that, narrowly hugged. Who unites them? Karma."

D.S. Vol.I p. 318 - "The whole Cosmos is driven, controlled and animated by an infinite series of Hierarchies of Sensitive Beings, each one having a mission to accomplish, and whether denominated Dhyan Chohans or Angels they are "messengers" in the sense that they are agents of the Universal Laws."

D.S. Vol.V p. 315 - "Damacio, philosopher Neo-Platonic of the century VI d.C., repeats the teachings of the Pagans when he says that exist seven series of Cosmic Forces, that are polar - the superior ones assigned to maintain and to guide the superior world; the inferior ones, the inferior world, our world."

We can add that the Hierarchies linked to the Superior World are related to the Cosmic Conscience and that the Hierarchies linked to the Inferior World are related to the Tattvas. What are Tattvas?

According to the vibration emitted by the several Dhyan Chohans, vibration known as Tanmatra, that models energetically the blow of the Eternal, there go appearing the several Tattvas that act in the heart of the atoms, generating, in that way, the several states of the matter.

According to the vibration of the Tattva, there goes being joined the atoms that are kundred to it and there goes on appearing the seven plans of the matter. Those plans are constituted in the repositories of matter from where that which is manifested removes matter for his elaboration and maintenance.

The transmutation of the matter is not a utopia, but it will only be possible to somebody that commands the Tattvas.

They are, from the subtlest to the densest:

D.S. Vol.II: p. 475 - "In the Esoterism, in other words, among the Occultists, seven Tattvas are: Adi, linked to the Cosmic matter; Anupadaka, vibrating in the planes of the Father and of the Mother; Akasha, vibrating in Dhyan Chohans's plan; Vayu, vibrating in the atoms of the gases; Tejas, vibrating in the atoms that produce heat; Apas, vibrating in the liquids and Pritivi, vibrating in the solid matter."

D.S. Vol.II: p. 474 - "In the Nature, we find seven Forces or seven Centers of Force, and everything seems to correspond to that number, just as the septenary of the musical scale, of the sound and of the spectrum of the colors."

D.S. Vol.II: p. 347 - The teacher William Crookes (1.832 1.919), great English physicist, talking about the simple bodies of the chemistry: "Our simple bodies, accepted as such, are not simple and primordial, they didn't appear by chance nor they were created in a mechanical and irregular way, but they grew of simpler material or maybe, of a single matter. I just present in a formal way an idea that has been hovering "in the air" inside of the science. Chemists, physicists, philosophers of the highest merit, declare explicitly their faith that the seventy (or approximate) elements of our text books are not the pillars of Hercules that we can surpass"...

D.S. Vol.II: p. 351 - "And now the science tells us that the firstborn element... the one that more approaches the Protilo would be the hydrogen... which, for a long time, would have been the only form of existent matter in the Universe." "Protilo (Protyle) is a new word that comes from the Greek and that was introduced inside of the chemistry to designate the first homogeneous and primordial substance. When the Protilo be accepted and recognized, just as the invisible ether was, being both logic and scientific needs - the chemistry will have stopped existing virtually; she will reappear in her reincarnation as New Alchemy, or meta-chemical."

D.S. Vol.II: p. 175 - "the more the chemistry and the physics progress, the occultist axiom of the appearance of the primordial atoms goes on finding more support in the world of the knowledge; each day there wins more ground the scientific hypothesis that even the simplest elements of the matter are identical in his nature, and they differ one from the other ones just as a consequence of the several distributions of the atoms in the molecule or of the constitution of the own atom of the substance, as well as in the way of atomic vibration."

The flow of the Eternal continues, in its whole, emanating continually from Brahma, the Occult Sun, with the purpose of vivifying the Creation. In that function it receives the name of Prana and it will be treated in the next chapter.

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