Zélia from Toledo Piza

Leading off the Christian era, we have Jesus wonderful figure, the Christ.

Neither Christ, nor Buddha gave Cosmogony or Anthropogenesis. They gave tables of ethics and moral. They gave a doctrine of equality, love, fraternity, tolerance. Christ's basic principle is: To love God ever everything and to the neighbor as to himself.


Saint Matheus, chapter 5

1. Blessed the simple because of them is the kingdom of the skies

2. Blessed the ones that cry, because they will be consoled

3. Blessed the tame ones because they will inherit the earth

4. Blessed the ones that are hunger and thirsty of justice, because they will be full

5. Blessed the merciful ones, because they will reach mercy

6. Blessed the clean of heart because they will see God

7. Blessed the pacifiers, because they will be called children of God

8. Blessed the ones that suffer persecution because of the justice, because of them it is the kingdom of the Skies

9. Blessed are you, when they insult you and they pursue you and, lying, they say all the badly against you for my cause

 l0. Exult and get happy, because it is big your reward in the Skies; because they pursued like this the prophets that were before you


The description of the more serious character flaws, and that deserve that name, they are part of the Jewish-Christian tradition, but they appear in the Bible in a dispersed way. According to Fernando Altemeyer, theologian of the Papal Catholic University of S. Paulo, the PUC, the seven capital sins were only enumerated and grouped in the century VI, by the pope Saint Gregorio Magno (540 -604), taking as reference the letters of Saint Paul.

        Antonymous sins

1. Laziness       Diligence

2. Envy             Charity

3. Gluttony       Sobriety

4. Superb          Humility

5. Lust              Moderation

6. Avarice         Detachment

7. Anger            Meekness



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