Zélia de Toledo Piza 

        Confucio (551 - 479) believed that the principles of the Tao were able to and they should be applied to a fair and civilized society. Living in a period of anarchy and injustices, distressed for the poverty and for the general suffering, understood Confucio that the only solution would be a radical reform of the government. He didn't get to act in the administration and he dedicated part of his life to the teaching.

He preached the whole life the edifying principles of the Tao. For him, to rule the own conduct by the Tao would be to conform with the will of the Sky.

Based on Fo-Hi he creates a philosophy that presents extraordinary life rules. He was witness of the beginning of the destruction of the existent feudal system in China. The Emperor's authority was objected. The feudal vassals, with their private armies took the chaos to the interior of the provinces, with new conquests and taxes. The millenarian system of exploration of the earth was subverted. The social institutions, without exception, were in decadence.

Confucio opted for the re-establishment of the old virtues, factor, according to him, that had made possible the old social cohesion.

His plan was to form a team of disciples, in agreement with the precepts of the old moral and social order, disciples that would occupy the key positions of the public administration and they would reformulate the whole Chinese society.

Confucio says: "I comment on and I transmit the teachings of the old ones; nothing new I invent. I worship them and I trust them." The old ones of whom he refers were the virtuous kings that dominated the origins of the Chinese history. Yao (2.357-2.285 aC.) . Yu (-2.205 aC.) . T' Ang (- l.766 aC.) . Ueng Uan (- l.200 aC.) . Ueng-Uan (- l.200 aC.) . Wu-Uang (l.l22 aC.).

In spite of the whole effort, didn't achieve the reform, but there remained the Confucianism and the figure of Confucio, responsible for a cycle of gold, when the philosophical and artistic thought reached great splendor. He thought, he taught and he acted - principle of his school, founded in Lu, in order to reach the leaders of the country.

He noticed that his political-moral reform starting from the re-education of the head class of China was out of any possibility. He tried in Lu, during some time, afterwards resigned and he fled, in search of a prince that wanted to adopt their principles. Everything in vain. Reduced to the poverty, he is almost massacred in the kingdom of Song. With 68 years he is devoted to the education.

His doctrine was to start of the man, of the individual, going by the family, by the clan, village, etc. until the reform of the society. Only the virtue can conserve the man in his natural road.

The political model for Confucio was: virtue for the leaders and everything else will be solved.