Zélia de Toledo Piza
Mohammed (570 -632). Before Mohammed, the Arabs adored more than 360 idols in the temple of Caaba, in Mecca. There was the black stone coming from the paradise, brought to Ismael by the angel Gabriel and that had been black because of the sinners' touches.
Orphan soon after the birth, he is created by the grandfather and, then, by the uncle. He belonged to the aristocracy. His uncle was a merchant. He marries the widow Khadija, 15 years older. In the year 616 d.C., he began to preach the monotheism. On September 22, 622, it happens the Hégira. He escapes from Mecca to Yatrib, later called Medina, that is in Arabic called Al-Madinat and it means the Prophet's City.
Six years later, he returns triumphant to Mecca and he destroys the idols of Caaba.
He was the founder of the Islamism, and Islam means submission to the Divine will.
Koran, book of recitations, it was written by the disciples with base in manuscripts of Mohammed. He affirmed that the men are all siblings.
Pursued, he flees to a cave with Abou Bakir and turn to Medina. He dies in 632 d.C. and Abou Bakir promotes the war Saint.
It is from the Koran: "oh you, Master, that makes the Life to enter in the Death and the Death in the Life; oh you, Master, that make the Day to enter in the Night and the Night in the Day; to You more precious is the ink of the wise person than the blood of the martyr."
Who wants larger information on the Quran (alcorăo), there exist an excellent article written by the Dr. Luis Carlos Valois in the address: