Zélia de Toledo Piza
Concerning Patanjali, there great controversy exists in relation to the time when he lived. The Encyclopedia Larousse says IV centuries before Christ. Mircea Elliade gives the space among the century II before Christ and the third or fifth century after Christ. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky says that studious of the East puts him at 200 aC., but the Occultists put him at 700 aC. His moral code is registered in the Yamas and Niyamas.
Yamas - they are the five interdictions, in other words, that which we should not practice
Ahimsa - not to kill - no violence - Keep your temper - never fight
Asteyam - not to steal
Satya-graha - not to lie
Brahmacharya - not to degenerate the sex
Aparigraha - not to attach to the things of the world
Niyamas - they are the five prescriptions, in other words, that which the disciple should practice
Sadhana - purity
Santosa - happiness
Saucham - serenity
Svadhyaya - study
Ishwara Pranidhana - harmonization with the Universe